improve through better technology

Cyber Crime in Manufacturing

As the manufacturing industry embraces digital technologies and interconnected systems, it gains efficiency and competitiveness. However, this technological progress also attracts the attention of cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for their gain.

What are Cyber Crimes?

For manufacturers, the repercussions of cybercrimes can be profound and far-reaching. The interconnected nature of modern manufacturing systems means that a breach in one area can cascade into disruptions across the entire production process. Cyber attacks can lead to operational downtime, halted production lines, compromised product quality, and delays in delivery schedules, all of which can result in significant financial losses and damage to a manufacturer’s reputation.

Furthermore, manufacturers often store sensitive intellectual property, proprietary designs, and trade secrets, making them attractive targets for cyber espionage and intellectual property theft. When confidential information falls into the wrong hands, it not only puts the manufacturer’s competitive advantage at risk but can also lead to the loss of trust among customers and business partners.

The importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. Manufacturers need to prioritize the protection of their digital assets, employ advanced threat detection systems, establish strong access controls, and implement regular security audits to stay ahead of cyber threats. Luckily, Sabre is here to help!

Statistics of Cyber Crime

ransomware attacks happen every hour
of SMBs go out of business within 6 months of a cyber attack
0 %
of data security breaches are caused by human error and system failure
0 %

Common Types of Cyber Crime in Manufacturing

There are many other types of cyber crime that can cause reputable damage or financial loss. Understanding the most common types of cyber crime in manufacturing can help ensure that your business can be educated and proactive in the event of a cyber attack.

How Sabre Can Help

Sabre Limited stands at the forefront of the cybersecurity landscape, offering a range of comprehensive solutions to effectively combat cybercrime. Our managed IT services go beyond traditional support, providing businesses with a proactive and vigilant approach to maintaining a secure IT infrastructure. Through continuous monitoring and advanced threat detection, we identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, ensuring that potential cyber threats are promptly addressed.

But our services don’t end there. If you already have an in-house IT team, we can help support you with co-managed services. For more information on our services, visit:

  • Managed IT Services
  • Helpdesk Services
  • Proactive Maintenance
  • vCIO Services
  • Co-Managed IT Services
  • Azure Cloud Services
  • Managed Security

Cyber Hygiene

Cyber hygiene refers to the practices and measures that manufacturing businesses like yours adopt to maintain good cybersecurity and protect their digital assets, systems, and information from potential threats.

Below are three videos that will explain the basics of cyber hygiene, the threats in your business, and what you can do to keep your organization safe.

Basics of Cyber Hygiene

Threats in Your Organization

What Can You Do?

Got Questions?


Cybercrime refers to criminal activities conducted through digital or computer networks. It includes hacking, identity theft, phishing, ransomware attacks, and more.

The most common types of cyber threats include malware, phishing attacks, social engineering, ransomware, DDoS attacks, and insider threats.

Cybercrime can result in financial losses, stolen personal information, identity theft, data breaches, reputational damage, and disruption of business operations.

You can protect your business by using strong, unique passwords, regularly updating software and applications, being cautious of suspicious emails or links, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, and educating yourself and your employees about cybersecurity best practices.

Cybersecurity solutions like Sabre use various technologies and practices to protect against cyber threats. They include antivirus software, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption, secure authentication methods, and employee training programs.

Get More From Your IT Assets​

We offer end-to-end IT and security solutions to businesses of all sizes across Canada, helping our clients leverage our expertise to drive better business results, secure their businesses, and stay competitive.

Schedule a free call with Robert Jolliffe

Robert Jolliffe