Sabre Limited

Terms and Conditions

Sabre provides this Support Service Level Agreement (SLA).  This SLA is for customers subscribed to the Sabre Business Excellence Managed ERP plan.

This SLA is updated periodically; the most current version shall be made available to customers by visiting


The SLA does not cover or warrant any part of the functional use of the software.  Bug fixes and hotfixes applied under the SLA are delivered “as is” as provided by Microsoft, PrintVis, or any other software vendor. 

Available Service Levels

All service levels occur during regular business hours of 9am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time.

  1. During implementation, prior to Go-Live; target response times are based on commercially reasonable effort only.
  2. The period between Go-Live and 15 days following go-live is the Priority Period. Target Response time in less than 2 hours.
  3. During the period from 16 days to 30 days following go-live; target response times are less than 4 hours.
  4. The period 31 days after go-live is the Operation Period.  Target Response time is Next Day.

Business Excellence Support

Sabre allows customers to enroll in Business Excellence support. Business excellence must be subscribed PER FULL Business Central or NAV full user and where PrintVIS is implemented, per PrintVIS Full user attached to a Business Central Team member (formerly a CEP user).  Total users are the best indicator of the level of support required by a customer.

Customers must enroll all users or no users.  There is no option to enroll only some users.

A minimum of 10 users must be licensed for BE, even if you subscribe to fewer Business Central or PrintVis Full Users.

The minimum subscription for Business Excellence is annually, and it is billed quarterly or (with ACH or Direct Withdrawal) may be billed monthly.

Business Excellence support renews automatically Quarter to Quarter after the first year has passed.

Customers under Business Excellence are entitled to 15% off the Standard Listed Prices for Sabre service offerings.  Services provided by 3rd party vendors are ineligible for this discount. Software subscriptions, including for Sabre software, are ineligible for this discount.

Support Incidents

Reporting Incidents

  1. Support is offered during business hours in the Eastern Time Zone – 9am to 5pm daily.
  2. Customers will submit requests via: The Mantis Support Plan job in the Sabre support portal with the login information provided by Sabre; (Sabre may change this to a different technology platform at our discretion).
    • Support requests will be acknowledged when received.  Scheduled response will depend on the severity of the support issue.
    • It is acceptable for customers to also send an email to indicating they have submitted an incident.
    • Major or Severe issues should also include an email and/or phone call to let Sabre know about the incident.
Level Definition Schedule lead time
Low General Questions or Requests – no problems or issues preventing users from working. 7 days
Medium Problem or issue preventing a user or group of users from doing a non-time critical activity 2 day
Major Problem or issue preventing a group of users from accessing or using the software.  Issue completely stopping the use of one or more modules of the software. 4 Hours
Severe Problem or issue preventing (completely stopping) all invoicing, shipping of product, or access to the software 1 Hour

The schedule lead time is the time required for Sabre to assign a resource to address your issue.  This is not a time to completion.

Determination of the Level of the incident is entirely at the discretion of Sabre limited.

To ensure a Severe problem is responded to promptly, we ask that the customer call Sabre Customer Service at 1-519-585-7524 and page x 0 to inform staff of this issue. 



Under this agreement, based on the number of users licensed, customers are entitled to coaching (Training, consulting, support) sessions.  There is no limit to the number of these coaching sessions the customer may book.

  1. The customer may book a maximum of one coaching session at a time.
  2. Once a booked coaching session has completed (or the session appointment has passed) the customer may request to book the next session.
  3. Coaching sessions cannot be “banked” to be used later.
  4. Sabre consulting staff will book time for coaching sessions weekly, which customers may book through our Support Desk. 
  5. The next available coaching session is limited by availability.
  6. Which Sabre staff are available for coaching sessions is limited.
  7. Coaching sessions are first-come, first-serve.
  8. Coaching sessions may be used for any purpose so long as they occur with the customer staff and Sabre staff remaining on a web or telephone meeting the entire time.
  9. Sabre staff will not complete programming, report writing, data entry, configuration or other work during the coaching session.  A customer may request coaching sessions for any of these types of work – and the Sabre staff will provide support while the customer attempts these activities.
  10. Developer Coaching: [NOTE] Occasionally our developer team will be available for programming coaching. This coaching is only available to those who are certified as professional developers due to the risks of unprofessional development in the Business Central system.
For The Customer  
Your coaching sessions will be of [  ] Hours length. You are eligible for a maximum of 1 Coaching session. There is a [  ] day lead-time for booking a session.

Programming in Lieu of Coaching

Some customers are not able to book all coaching sessions – in which case Sabre allows a customer to request a “free” programming activity in lieu of the coaching session.  These programming activities must be a discreet task (they cannot be part of a larger programming request) and must be equal to or less than the eligible coaching session length.

For example, if you are eligible or 1 hour coaching sessions, you may substitute a free customization of 1 hour estimated duration or less.

A maximum of 1 programming request may be active at once.  These free programming requests replace one coaching session.  Additional coaching sessions may be booked even if the programming request is incomplete.


Under this agreement customers are entitled to standard Incident support.  Incidents are not to be substituted for Coaching sessions.

Customization requests and other technical requests are excluded from Incidents.

  1. Standard Incidents: Customers are entitled to standard support incidents based on their support plan.  To be considered standard the following must be true:
    • The incident should be a question or request for help in the ERP or CRM;
    • The incident should not be a question or request for help for the network, computer, printer, or other non-ERP or non-CRM device or software;
    • The customer must make themselves available to work with the support technician during the duration of the incident if requested.;
    • Customers are not entitled to direct Sabre support technicians to investigate incidents without the customer present;
    • The incident must be a single discreet question, on a single subject.  The customer may not “combine” two or more requests or questions together;
    • Submission of a bug report to the Software Vendor (solely PrintVIS or Microsoft) by Sabre is included, however deployment of the fix is the responsibility of the customer and/or their IT provider.
    • Incidents by and large are able to be answered either via email or with a short phone or video meeting. 
  2. Excluded from incident support are:
    • Those incidents that involve corrupt data deleted data or correcting errors caused by the user or users of the customer;
    • correcting software “bugs” and design flaws;
    • going into the “back door” of the system via SQL or Developer tools to delete, correct, update, or otherwise manipulate data;
    • Application of hotfixes from Microsoft, or apply an entire or partial Cumulative Update at Sabre’s discretion;
    • Best practices, training, coaching, mentoring that is best resolved via Coaching Sessions.

Other Notes


  1. It is understood that not all issues can be solved by Sabre as some require escalation to Microsoft, PrintVIS or another vendor and/or waiting for a Service Pack or HotFix;
  2. Sabre will use a commercially reasonable effort to resolve all incidents per the Entitlements the customer is eligible for;
  3. The Customer must provide reasonable access to the staff who have reported details regarding the incident, including but not limited to, detailed description of the Incident, how to reproduce the incident and other required information.  The Mantis system will be used at all times to collect this information unless otherwise requested by Sabre support technicians;
  4. The customer must remain on-line with a Sabre, PrintVIS or Microsoft technician during the entire period of the incident if required by Sabre, PrintVIS or Microsoft;
  5. Incidents that appear to be “one time” or are not reproducible will eventually need to be closed without resolution if they cannot be re-created;
  6. Sabre has no obligation to determine why an incident has occurred;
  7. Sabre will decline to investigate incidents that appear to be caused by users system data errors and are not recurring or causing continual concerns;


  1. Issues that are entirely demonstrable as being caused by customer error and would require extensive or excessive time to address including extracting backups, cross-referencing data, preparing data load etc… are not entitled to support under this agreement.  The customer may purchase consulting hours to assist in these cases but may not use their entitlement;
  2. Issues that are the result of the customer using technology that is formally unsupported by Microsoft or any major information technology vendor (such as DELL, IBM, Adobe etc…) are excluded from this support agreement. The customer may purchase consulting hours to assist in these cases but may not use their entitlements;
  3. Sabre has the right to refuse to respond to an issue as a support activity where the issue is deemed to require training as the appropriate response. Sabre shall determine this at its sole discretion.  In these cases, the customer contact Sabre regarding consulting services or book Coaching Sessions;
  4. The customer has no right to incident support, upgrades or other activities where a partner organization other than Sabre has made code changes to their ERP or CRM system without prior written consent of Sabre, including ISV solutions;
  5. Customers who directly contact Sabre staff, and bypass the intake process defined in section A understand that they will be billed for the time directly and are intentionally requesting consulting work by doing so.  Contact regarding issues under this agreement must pass through the process described in A.


1.           “Agreement” means the Sabre Limited Online Subscription Agreement that governs the Service.

2.           “Incident” means an issue submitted via Mantis by the Customer to Sabre.

3.           “Customer” means the person or organization that contracted for Services under the Agreement.

4.           “Sabre” means Sabre Limited (or if applicable, its affiliate).

5.           “Mantis” means the Mantis issue tracking system, accessed via

6.           “Service” or “Services” means the Microsoft Dynamics Subscription service provided to Customer pursuant to the Agreement.

7.           “Entitlement” means the form of support available to a customer, and the quantity of support under this contract.

8.            “Issues” means support requests made by the customer.

9.            “Exclusions” means support issues that Sabre is not required to provide support for under this agreement (see section D).

 10.        “Consulting Hours” means paid hours to be used by the customer for services and support not covered under this agreement.  The current hourly rate for these hours is available from Sabre Sales.  Contact for current pricing.

11.         “PrintVIS” means the company or product produced by the company PrintVIS Inc. 

12.         “Support Technician” means a staff member who is assigned to address an incident.