Benefits of Having an Internal IT Team (Answered)

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We understand that the idea of an IT company advocating for internal IT teams might seem counterintuitive, but rest assured, we’re about to uncover some incredibly legitimate reasons for doing so. Plus, we’ll explore alternative perspectives and discuss instances where outsourcing might be a viable option.

Reasons Manufacturing Companies Need an Internal IT Team

Legitimate Reasons for Having an Internal IT Team

So there are a few legitimate reasons for having an internal IT team or for having both an internal IT team and co-managed IT services.

Not sure exactly what co-managed IT services are? Read this article about the differences between Co-Managed IT vs Managed IT Services.

Specialized Knowledge and Systems

In the dynamic world of technology, having a skilled internal IT team can be a game-changer for your business. Let’s explore some fantastic reasons why keeping IT expertise in-house is a smart move:

1. Obsolete or Unique Technology

Technology evolves rapidly, but sometimes, certain businesses find themselves reliant on legacy systems or peculiar software that’s no longer mainstream. In such cases, having dedicated IT staff who have honed their skills on these systems is a true asset. Their deep knowledge allows them to tackle challenges efficiently and keep your operations running smoothly.

2. In-depth Knowledge of Custom ERP Systems

If your organization uses a custom-built Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system tailored to your unique needs, having IT professionals who were involved in its creation can be a tremendous advantage. They understand the intricacies of your ERP inside-out, ensuring seamless integration, efficient maintenance, and swift issue resolution.

3. Industry-Specific Software and Hardware

Industries often have specialized software and hardware designed to meet their distinct demands. Whether you’re in manufacturing, healthcare, finance, or any other field, having IT experts well-versed in your industry-specific tools is a game-changer. They can optimize your systems, troubleshoot complex issues, and provide tailored solutions that might not be readily available from external IT providers.

Involvement in Product Development

Your internal IT team can be more than just tech support; they can actively contribute to your product development and internal projects. Here’s how:

1. IT Professionals for Embedded IT in Products

In today’s interconnected world, many products come with embedded technology. From IoT devices to web servers, having IT experts involved in your product development ensures seamless integration and top-notch performance. Their skills allow you to create technologically advanced and user-friendly products that stand out in the market.

2. Utilizing IT Skills in Internal Projects

Apart from external products, your IT team can lend their expertise to internal projects. They can assist various departments with tech-driven solutions, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance overall productivity. Integrating IT professionals into these projects unleashes their potential to drive innovation across your organization.

Instant Support and In-Person Assistance

Having IT professionals on-site offers a host of benefits, especially for addressing immediate needs and large-scale support:

1. Supporting Employees Uncomfortable with IT

Not everyone in your organization may be tech-savvy, and that’s perfectly okay! For employees who feel uneasy with IT issues, having in-house IT support provides a comforting and reassuring presence. They can quickly address tech hiccups, provide hands-on assistance, and ensure your team stays focused on their core tasks.

2. Catering to the Needs of Large Organizations

For sizable companies with numerous employees and systems, an internal IT team becomes essential. With a substantial user base, having in-person support ensures swift and efficient resolution of IT-related challenges. It fosters a sense of reliability and trust among employees, knowing that IT assistance is just around the corner.

Having explored these legitimate reasons, it’s clear that an internal IT team can be a vital strategic investment. Their specialized knowledge, involvement in product development, and in-person support cater to your unique requirements and position your business for long-term success. So, nurture and empower your internal IT dream team to unlock the full potential of technology within your organization!

Internal IT Team Benefits

Counterarguments for Keeping IT In-House

While having an internal IT team offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to consider alternative perspectives to make well-informed decisions for your business. Let’s explore some counterarguments that deserve attention and understanding:

Aging Technology and Outsourcing Challenges

1. Reconsidering Computer Refresh Cycles

As technology rapidly evolves, it’s vital to reevaluate your computer refresh cycles. Maintaining an internal IT team means shouldering the responsibility of keeping up with the latest hardware and software upgrades. Outsourcing, on the other hand, may present an opportunity to offload this burden to specialized providers who can ensure regular updates and replacements.

2. Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing IT services can be cost-effective in many scenarios. It allows you to tailor services to your exact needs, pay for what you use, and avoid significant upfront investment in IT infrastructure. By comparing the costs and benefits of in-house versus outsourced IT, you can identify which option aligns better with your budget and business goals.

DIY Culture and Resistance to Outsourcing

1. Evaluating the Trade-Offs between In-House and Outsourced Solutions

Some companies have a strong do-it-yourself (DIY) culture and prefer handling tasks internally. However, it’s crucial to weigh the trade-offs of such an approach. While DIY may foster self-reliance, it might also result in slower resolutions, missed opportunities for innovation, and limited access to specialized expertise available through outsourcing.

2. The Role of Company Culture in IT Decision-Making

Company culture plays a pivotal role in shaping IT decisions. If your organization values internal collaboration and autonomy, having an in-house IT team might be a perfect fit. On the other hand, if innovation and flexibility are top priorities, outsourcing IT services could open doors to cutting-edge technologies and fresh perspectives.

Payroll vs. Operational Expenses

1. Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Impact

When comparing the expenses associated with an in-house IT team versus outsourcing, it’s essential to look beyond the initial payroll costs. Consider the long-term impact on your business, including potential savings through outsourcing operational expenses, as well as the value of in-house expertise and full-time staff.

2. Considering the Full Scope of IT Support Requirements

Understanding your comprehensive IT support needs is crucial for making the right decision. An in-house IT team may excel in managing day-to-day operations and providing personalized support. On the other hand, outsourced providers can offer a wide range of services, from 24/7 monitoring to specialized consulting, catering to various aspects of your IT infrastructure.

By taking these counterarguments into account, you can make a well-rounded assessment of your IT strategy. Remember that the choice between an internal IT team and outsourcing is not one-size-fits-all; it depends on your organization’s unique needs, resources, and objectives.

Ultimately, embracing a hybrid approach that combines the best of both worlds might be the key to unlocking the full potential of your IT capabilities. An informed decision today can pave the way for a resilient and agile IT infrastructure that propels your business forward in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

pros and cons of having an internal it team

Advice for Companies with an Internal IT Team

  1. Provide the Right Tools (RMM, Antivirus, Ticketing Systems): Just like any craftsman needs the right tools to excel, IT professionals require the proper resources to work their magic. Invest in Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools that allow them to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot systems efficiently. A reliable antivirus solution is vital to protect against ever-evolving cyber threats, ensuring your company’s digital fortress remains secure. Additionally, implement ticketing systems to streamline issue tracking and resolution, enabling your IT team to manage their workload effectively.
  2. The Importance of Comprehensive Backup Solutions: Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, and safeguarding it is non-negotiable. Invest in robust backup solutions to create multiple layers of data redundancy. This approach protects your company from catastrophic data loss due to hardware failure, human error, or malicious attacks. A well-designed backup strategy ensures business continuity, giving your IT professionals the confidence to tackle any unforeseen challenges that may arise.
  3. Address Introversion and Communication Styles: IT professionals often possess an introverted nature, valuing solitary work and deep focus. Acknowledge and embrace this aspect of their personalities while also nurturing their ability to communicate effectively. Encourage regular team meetings to foster open dialogue, sharing insights, and staying on top of IT projects. By understanding and respecting their communication styles, you’ll create a supportive environment that empowers them to flourish.
  4. Nurture a Supportive Environment for IT Staff: As with any department, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment is essential for IT professionals. Encourage professional development through training and certifications, empowering them to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Recognize their accomplishments and contributions, celebrating their successes along the way. Additionally, consider cross-departmental collaboration to promote a sense of unity within the organization.


Congratulations on exploring the invaluable advantages of having an internal IT team! Throughout this article, we’ve discovered legitimate reasons for keeping IT expertise in-house, including specialized knowledge of unique systems, involvement in product development, and providing instant support to employees. These factors position your business for long-term success in the fast-paced digital landscape.

While an internal IT team offers numerous benefits, we also acknowledged the importance of considering alternative perspectives. Evaluating technology refresh cycles, understanding outsourcing costs and benefits, and addressing company culture are vital in making well-informed decisions.

For companies with an internal IT team, our advice revolves around equipping your IT professionals for success. Provide them with the right tools, such as robust monitoring systems and comprehensive backup solutions, to excel in their roles. Understanding their introverted nature and fostering a supportive environment empowers them to flourish and drive innovation.

In the end, your internal IT team is not just a service provider—it’s a strategic asset that can elevate your business to new heights. Embrace the synergy of technology and talent, and watch your organization thrive in the ever-evolving digital world. With a dynamic IT dream team and the right environment, you’re well-equipped to conquer the challenges and opportunities of the digital era.

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