How to Export Configuration Worksheets in Microsoft Business Central – Part 1

In this video, we’re diving into exporting and creating an Excel template to streamline data updates in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The aim is to ensure users are working with the correct table, export the worksheet file, manage included and excluded fields, and apply filters effectively.

This video is part 1 of the 3-part series by Jenn Claridge, Vice President of ERP at Sabre Limited, on Configuration Worksheets in Business Central.
Check out part 2 and part 3 to learn how to update and import Configuration Worksheets in Business Central.

Choosing Data to Export

First off, it’s crucial to confirm we’re in the right spot within Business Central. Even if you’re not a developer, you can verify this by navigating to where you expect the data to be updated. For example, if you need to modify customer information, check the corresponding page.

Once you’ve confirmed the table you’re working with, it’s time to choose the fields to include in your Excel template. Select only the essential fields to minimize the risk of unintended updates when importing back into Business Central.

Configuring the Worksheet

Now, onto configuring the worksheet. This page allows users to simplify the process and focus solely on the table and fields they’re dealing with. Users can assign a package code and specify whether to delete table data before processing, which is crucial for certain updates.

When selecting fields, be mindful of what’s necessary. Exclude irrelevant fields to avoid cluttering the spreadsheet and minimize the risk of accidental updates to your database.

Filters can further refine the data exported. If you’re dealing with large datasets, filters help narrow down to the specific records you need, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Exporting to Excel Template

Once everything’s set, it’s time to export the data. Select the line and choose “Export to Template.” This generates an Excel file where you can make the necessary updates before importing it back into Business Central.

In the Excel template, make sure to maintain the package and table ID information for seamless importing. The exported data is organized in a table format, with helpful tooltips for each field’s validation criteria.


After exporting, users can update the data in the Excel sheet for more accuracy and consistency. Once done, it’s ready for importing back into Business Central to apply the changes. By following these steps, you can efficiently manage data updates in Microsoft Business Central, ensuring accuracy and minimizing the risk of errors.

For further inquiries or detailed guidance, reach out to us at Sabre Limited.

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