10 Simple Steps to Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central

Upgrade Dynamics NAV to Business Central

My Walkthrough to upgrade Dynamics NAV to Business Central 14

If you plan to upgrade Dynamics NAV to Business Central anytime in the next few months (and for a variety of reasons now is the time to do so) this walk through explains in broad terms what the process is. It is by and large best to let a partner do this for you, but not 100% necessary depending on customizations.

This is NOT meant as a replacement for the Microsoft instructions to upgrade to Business Central on-premise. I also don’t discuss in any real detail the upgrade of customizations and code from the old C/AL programming language to the AL programming language.

Why Kodak Selected Dynamics Business Central and PrintVis

Dynamics Business Central and PrintVis print MIS

Last week Kodak announced that it was collaborating with Microsoft to provide advanced business solutions to the print and graphic industry. The announcement on Kodak’s web site announced that they are adding Dynamics Business Central and PrintVis to their cloud solution for printers. This news made the rounds to Sabre as we are also a PrintVis implementation partner, and this clearly has a big impact on us and the industry.

PrintVis For Commercial Print| The Microsoft Dynamics Addon Graphics Manufacturing Industry

PrintVis For Commercial Print

The PrintVis MIS solution for the commercial printing industry is an end to end powerhouse solution

This is an article that gives some background and explains a bit about PrintVis for commercial print, and how PrintVis MIS (an addon found in the Microsoft AppSource) is specifically designed for the print and graphics manufacturing industry as a standard.

In particular, I want to chat about how PrintVis works in commercial print environments and how it interacts with Business Central. One of the unique features is that is not specific to commercial print, something that really sets it aside from the competition. Most print industry MIS solutions have a niche they specialize in. This addon is much, much more flexible and as such works great in hybrid environments.

Business Central EDI Whitepaper | Understanding EDI in ERP

Business Central EDI

Dynamics Business Central Manufacturing EDI explained

Download the PDF of the business central EDI white paper here.

A common feature requested as part of a Dynamics Business Central project is EDI. Business Central EDI is somewhat misunderstood by customers, as is EDI in general. This blog attempts to explain what EDI is, how it is both part of Business Central and completely separate from the ERP, and the various “parts” that are needed to make it work.