5 Tips to Save Costs Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central

Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Dynamics Business Central

Why now is the perfect time for you to upgrade Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Dynamics Business Central

Technically you aren’t forced to upgrade your Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Dynamics Business Central system now. I have seen customers who run their ERP systems into the ground – like an old car that never gets repaired until it finally breaks down. This seems like a good way to save money in the short term. There is an assumption underlying this that I think could be a huge mistake.

Fixed Fee vs Variable Dynamics 365 Business Central Implementation Cost

dynamics 365 business central implementation cost

Traditional vs Fixed Fee implementations, why they are different, and how each are done.

Sabre has been in the business of delivering Microsoft Dynamics implementations for many years. Prior to 2018, most of these were Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementations, and during that time we developed our more modern approach. We’ve been able to refine and improve our processes in such a way that we are now one of a handful of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central partners (throughout the entire world) that have been able to set a fixed Dynamics 365 Business Central implementation cost and price for our customers.

Print MIS | PrintVis for Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Print MIS

Print MIS have moved into the big leagues with the PrintVis MIS solution for Business Central

PrintVis combines a number of critical features and industry support that is about to launch it into the leadership of the North American Print MIS market. Here are 5 reasons we thing PrintVis is about to become a giant killer in the US Print MIS market.

Understanding Business Central Premium vs Essential Versions for Manufacturing

Business Central Premium vs Essential for the Manufacturing Company

What are the differences between the Business Central Premium vs Essential versions and can a manufacturing company conduct a Microsoft Business Central implementation using Essentials?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a leading-edge cloud ERP system well suited for manufacturing. Microsoft released Business Central in the Spring of 2018, and as of Spring 2021, they are on the 5th version of the product. The first version of Business Central with official manufacturing capabilities was v13 – released in October of 2018. The product has been split into two key versions: Business Central premium and Business Central essentials. Here we try and explain the differences between the Business Central Premium and Essentials versions.