Print Smart: Building Your PrintMIS Team Made Easy

Table of Contents

Starting a Print Management Information System (MIS) project should start with your business analyst and project coordinator as your guides. Yet, there’s a pivotal step that lies ahead – selecting the team that will breathe life into your project. This is where the magic truly begins.

In this guide, we’re about to uncover how to assemble your MIS project team. We’ll get into the intricacies of time commitment, demystify the roles of key players, and share insights from experience to help you navigate this crucial phase with confidence.

Buckle up, as we embark on a journey to discover how to select the ideal team for your PrintMIS project, ensuring every piece falls into place seamlessly.

Navigating the Time Commitment of a PrintMIS Project

Imagine time as a precious currency, and your PrintMIS project as a bustling marketplace where every second counts. Clarifying the time commitment required for your project isn’t just a box to tick; it’s your guiding compass for a successful journey.

Why is this so crucial? Think of it this way – knowing how much time you’ll need allows you to allocate resources effectively, set expectations, and avoid potential roadblocks down the line.

Role-Based Time Allocation: Just as each ingredient in a recipe serves a unique purpose, your team members play distinct roles in your project’s success. The Business Analyst, your project’s architect, invests about twice the time of other team members. For instance, if your team consists of five individuals, the Business Analyst might dedicate around 12-14 hours per week, while the rest of the team could commit to 6-7 hours each.

Steering Clear of Time Pitfalls: Here’s where wisdom gleaned from experience comes into play. In the world of PrintMIS projects, the time commitment can be a treacherous terrain. Avoid the pitfalls that many stumble into by understanding that misjudging time can lead to delays, frustration, and inefficiency.

PrintMIS Implementation in 6 simple steps.

Setting the Stage for Success: Navigating Project Phases

Your PrintMIS project is similar to planning and directing a theatrical production – each phase is a like an act, and the success of the whole production hinges on the execution of each one. Let’s raise the curtain on the three distinct acts that define MIS or ERP projects.

1. Theory Phase (Laying the Foundation): Imagine this phase as the blueprint creation for your dream house. It all begins with a discovery and documentation process, where the groundwork is laid for understanding your needs and requirements. This discovery then segues into “theory” training, where key decision-makers learn the basics to make informed choices. Guided by your Business Analyst and a small yet pivotal team, this phase is more about understanding the what, how, and why than practical application. It’s the compass that guides your project’s course.

2. Designing/Setup Phase (Crafting the Masterpiece): In the design phase, the blueprint starts transforming into a living, breathing structure. Decisions take center stage as the Business Analyst and their trusted team set up the system. This is the time for testing ideas, running real-world scenarios, and ironing out any kinks. It’s like assembling a puzzle – each piece fits into place, paving the way for a seamless process. Remember, these decisions aren’t etched in stone; they’re the stepping stones to the next phase.

3. Pilot Phase (Ready for the Spotlight): Your system is ready, and end-to-end run-throughs are in full swing. Success here means a green light for your project’s go-live. But before the final curtain call, it’s essential to introduce your line worker staff to the new system. This phase is about showing them how to perform their roles in the new setup, making sure everyone is on the same page and ready for the new system.

1. Theory Phase (Steps 1 and 2)

Welcome to the theory phase, where the blueprint for your PrintMIS project comes to life. This phase might not involve the glitz and glamour of final execution, but it’s the bedrock upon which success is built. Let’s delve into the heart of this pivotal stage:

Understanding the Significance: Think of the theory phase as the compass that guides your project’s direction. It kicks off with a crucial process of discovery and meticulous documentation. This isn’t just about learning the ropes; it’s about understanding the intricacies of your business needs and translating them into a structured plan.

Enter “Theory” Training: Your Business Analyst takes the helm here. “Theory” training takes center stage, empowering key decision-makers with the basics they need to steer the project forward. It’s about acquiring the knowledge necessary to make informed choices – a vital component in ensuring your project’s harmony.

Small but Mighty Team: Behind every great theory, there’s a great team. In this phase, your Business Analyst and a select group of experts come into play. This tight-knit team acts as the architects of your project, shaping its trajectory and ensuring that every decision aligns with your business objectives.

The Pitfalls of Delegation: Here’s a nugget of wisdom, for critical decisions, avoid passing the baton to junior staff. The theory phase is the time for seasoned professionals who intimately grasp your business’s nuances. Relying on their experience ensures that choices made during this phase are grounded and well-informed.

The Goldilocks Team Size: Just as Goldilocks sought the perfect fit, your theory phase thrives with a team size of 4-6 individuals. This diverse ensemble should include representatives from key job functions and decision-makers who will help mold the project’s direction. Not too large to become unwieldy, yet not too small to miss critical perspectives – this balance is key.

As you immerse yourself in the theory phase, remember that you’re laying the foundation for a project that’s poised to shine.

print mis project team

2. Designing and Setup (Steps 3 and 4)

Welcome to the designing and setup phase, where the theoretical blueprint you’ve carefully crafted starts to take tangible shape. This is the moment when your project becomes more than just concepts on paper – it becomes a dynamic reality. Let’s delve into the art of transitioning theory into practical implementation:

  • Putting Theory into Action: Think of this phase as stepping from the classroom into the real world. The decisions you’ve outlined during the theory phase now find their purpose as you set the stage for practical execution. It’s like turning a script into a live performance, where the spotlight shines on your decisions.
  • Decision-Making and Analysis: As you navigate this phase, balance is key. While making decisions is paramount, avoid the quicksand of analysis paralysis. It’s natural to want every detail perfect, but remember, perfection can sometimes be the enemy of progress. Trust in the insights you’ve gathered and the knowledge you’ve gained.
  • Temporary, Not Permanent: Every setup decision you make is a brushstroke on your project’s canvas – essential yet not final. The beauty of this phase is the flexibility it offers. If a decision doesn’t yield the desired outcome, you have the freedom to adjust, refine, and enhance.
  • Introducing the Test and Debug Phase: As you sculpt your project, the test and debug phase enters the scene. This is where the system is put through its paces, running real-world scenarios to identify any hiccups or issues. It’s like a dress rehearsal for a play – ironing out the wrinkles before the grand performance.
  • Widening the Circle: Remember the small team from the theory phase? Now it’s time to expand the cast. Assembling a broader group of experts and stakeholders for testing and debugging ensures a thorough evaluation. You’re enlisting the most trusted voices to fine-tune your masterpiece.
  • Trust and Expertise: Choose additional members based on their expertise and the trust you place in their judgment. A trusted purchasing manager or a seasoned controller can add invaluable insights to the process.

In the designing and setup phase, your project evolves from concept to reality. Embrace the dynamic nature of this phase as you refine and sculpt your project, guided by wisdom and experience.

3. Pilot Phase: Navigating the Path to Go-Live (Step 5)

Welcome to the pivotal pilot phase, a crucial juncture before your PrintMIS project steps into the limelight of full implementation. Just as a dress rehearsal ensures a seamless performance, the pilot phase ensures your project is prepped for its grand debut. Let’s delve into the mechanics of this transformative phase:

  • The Prelude to Perfection: The pilot phase is like the final polishing before the main event. It’s the opportunity to test your system in a controlled environment, ensuring that everything is primed for flawless execution. This isn’t a mere formality – it’s the moment when you catch potential hiccups before they reach center stage.
  • Unveiling the Full Pilot Test: Picture it as a test run, where you select a sample order or a group of orders and run them through the PrintMIS system from start to finish. This parallel running lets you evaluate how the system performs in comparison to your current processes. It’s the litmus test for system readiness.
  • Performance Evaluation and Issue Identification: Think of this phase as a magnifying glass over your project. You evaluate how the system handles real-world scenarios, identifying any performance glitches or issues that need addressing. It’s about ironing out the last-minute wrinkles before your project takes its bow.
  • The Mid-Sized Team’s Key Role: At this point, your mid-sized team becomes the gatekeepers of project readiness. Their experienced eyes gauge whether the system’s performance is up to par and ready for the big stage. Their seal of approval paves the way for the final act.
  • The Countdown to Go-Live: With the mid-sized team’s nod of approval, it’s time to set the stage for go-live. You pick a date when your project officially launches, and this date becomes a milestone to work toward. But before the curtains rise, your line worker staff needs to be trained and prepared for their roles in the new system.
  • Focused Training, Targeted Results: As you train your line workers, focus is paramount. Each individual is shown the specific tasks and responsibilities that pertain to their role. The goal is efficiency and precision, ensuring that every staff member is equipped with the knowledge they need to perform seamlessly.
  • Streamlined Final Training: Adding the finishing touches, the final training is a breeze. Thanks to the groundwork you’ve laid in earlier phases, this last bit of training is efficient and concise. Extra employees receive focused training, usually around 4 hours per individual. It’s a testament to the effectiveness of the earlier stages.

In the pilot phase, you’re fine-tuning your project to reach its apex of readiness. This isn’t just about perfection – it’s about ensuring a triumphant unveiling.

Conclusion: Success Through Strategic Team Selection

As we come to a close on our journey through the intricate landscape of selecting the ideal team for your PrintMIS project, the significance of each phase and the optimal team composition come into sharp focus. The path to project success is one where every member plays a distinct role.

From understanding the vital role of clarifying time commitments to orchestrating a team that seamlessly transitions theory into practice, you’ve uncovered the strategic blueprint for project triumph. The Business Analyst, the mid-sized team, and your line worker staff – each piece of this puzzle is essential in maximizing efficiency and innovation.

The time invested in comprehending the three phases – theory, designing/setup, and pilot – is not just a mere exercise but an investment in your project’s future. The theory phase acts as a compass, pointing you in the right direction. The designing/setup phase is where concepts evolve into tangible structures. The pilot phase stands as the crucible of readiness, refining your project for its grand debut.

Need some help?

Are you seeking information about Check out our dedicated PrintVis and Business Central information page. If you are already a user of Business Central or Dynamics NAV and are interested in incorporating PrintVis into your system, we can assist you in assessing the integration possibilities. If you have any questions that you would like answered give us a call at: (519) 585-7524 x.45 or contact our team, we’re always happy to chat!

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